


This unique duathlon race will take place along SCTEX (Porac - Floridablanca and back) and has Sandbox, Alviera as the start/finish. This year, Bike King will have the usual 6km run – 60km bike – 4km run distance. On top of this, there is a short but sweet distance of 3km run – 30km bike – 2km run. The heavy headwind, rolling terrain, and false flats all make for one exciting and challenging race.

For the first 6Km or 3km run, participants must make a right when they exit Alviera and run 3km/1.5km out. Once they get to the halfway mark, they must go back to the Transition area inside Alviera. Once on the bike, athletes must make their way to the Floridablanca exit and bike back to Porac to complete a loop of 20km. Those doing the long distance must do 3 loops, while the short and sweet distance will only need 1 loop. The second run is pretty much like the first but with an earlier u-turn and a finish at the Sandbox. After the race, participants and their supporters alike can then partake in their post-race meal, shop for more gear at the Event Expo, and enjoy Sandbox’s exciting features, like the zipline, giant swing and obstacle course.